Friday, March 12, 2010

What Women Want - Is it Really That Tough? By Chris Tyler

You've probably felt this way at one time or another. You want to know what women want, but it seems to change ALL of the time. Just when you think you know what a woman wants, and how to make her want you, she goes and does something to totally mess up your head.

Is there ANYTHING that you can do to really understand what a woman wants?

Here are some tips to understand what women want:

1. A woman wants to attract a man that acts like a man. You don't want to be one of those wimpy pushover types if you really want to understand what a woman wants. Just because the movies show the shy and sensitive guy always getting the girl in the end, doesn't mean that is what really works out here in the real world. If you want to attract a woman, you better make her see you as a MAN!

2. She wants a man that knows how to flirt with her without sounding like a jerk. Flirting with a woman is always a fun thing to do when you know how to do it right. The problem is, most guys either flirt with a woman in a way that makes them seem like a complete jerk, OR, they don't do anything to ignite attraction with her. You have to make her want to flirt back with you over and over if you want to really have her hooked on you.

3. Whatever you do, don't try and be Mr. Perfect to her. This is where so many guys get caught up doing the wrong thing. They think that they have to be perfect in every way to attract a woman, but at the end of the day, all this does is make it seem like you are trying to run a game on her.

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